Join Princess Ozanna of Fofana Kingdom, as she embarks on a quest in search of an answer to the timeless question, ‘Where is home?’. Told through the lens of ancient Africa from the seat of Sierra Leone – The Lion Mountain, this epic tale examines globalization and immigration in the modern era.
Join Princess Ozanna of Fofana Kingdom, as she embarks on a quest in search of an answer to the timeless question, ‘Where is home?’. Told through the lens of ancient Africa from the seat of Sierra Leone – The Lion Mountain, this epic tale examines globalization and immigration in the modern era. Brought to you by Saint Thomas University Black Box Theatre Productions. See show dates & times set for this February African Heritage Month:
Thursday Feb 2nd. Time: 7:30 PM Friday Feb 3rd. Time: 7:30 PM Saturday Feb 4th. Time: 2:00 PM Saturday Feb 4th. Time: 7:30pm Location: Black Box Theatre, 51 Dineen Dr, Fredericton NB
Co-directed and co-written by Saa Andrew Gbongbor; Lucas Gutiérrez-Robert. With scenes from Elize Davila Armin Panjwani) Reinaldo Cascante Jeremías Tecu
++++++ Rejoignez la princesse Ozanna du royaume de Fofana, alors qu'elle s'embarque dans une quête pour trouver une réponse à la question intemporelle "Où est mon chez-moi ?". Raconté à travers la lentille de l'Afrique ancienne depuis le siège de la Sierra Leone - la Montagne du Lion, ce conte épique examine la mondialisation et l'immigration dans l'ère moderne. Présenté par Saint Thomas University Black Box Theatre Productions. Voir les dates et heures des spectacles prévus pour le mois de février, le mois de Mois du Patrimoine Africain 2023: Jeudi 2 février : 19h30 Vendredi 3 février : 19h30 Samedi 4 février: 2:00pm Samedi 4 février: 19h30 Lieu : Black Box Theatre 51, promenade Dineen Fredericton NB A Must See Shows, so Save the dates, share widely, Open to all Ages
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We are a volunteer-led community organization that exists to recognize, develop, and support the black talent pools in the business and professional sectors of New Brunswick, as well as promote bilateral collaboration through diversity and inclusive programs.
Germain St Suite 300, Saint John, NB E2L 4V1
+1 506-808-0306